Mark Inskip

Liberal Democrat District and Parish Councillor for Sutton Learn more

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A Well Dressed Wheelie Bin?

by markinskip on 4 October, 2014

Wheelie 30

What does a well dressed wheelie bin look like? It has a 30mph sticker on it!

Earlier this year our newly elected district councillor, Lorna Dupré, got permission from East Cambridgeshire District Council for local residents to attach 30 mph stickers to our wheelie bins. They are a great way of raising awareness for motorists and reminding them that they are in a 30mph area. You may well have seen in other towns and villages on collection day.

The Sutton Focus team placed a bulk order for stickers to distribute to village residents. If you would like to buy one or two for your bins at 60p each (which is what we have paid for them) please contact myself or Lorna.

The district council has asked us to remind residents not to leave their stickered bins out on non-collection days.










2 Responses

  1. Brett Collard says:

    Unfortunately Mark, having stickers on bins in places like Painters Lane is non effective. Perhaps giving them to people on the ‘main feeder route’ as the High Strert was once reffered to by a serving councillor, would be more beneficial. At least on Mondays.

    • markinskip says:

      I agree, they’ll be most beneficial on the main routes through the village such as the High Street, The Brook, Ely Road and The America. Though we’re happy to provide them to anyone who finds them useful.

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